Friday, May 28, 2010

Sinatra Application Question (2nd)

a.What is mongoDB?How does it relates to MongoHQ?

MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database. Written in C++, MongoDB. MongoDB bridges the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and highly scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which provide rich queries and deep functionality).(MongoDb,2010).
In a simple term , MongoDb treats data as documents and stores it in a collection.Collection is a way to store related data.
MongoHQ is a cloud based database hosting solution where we can store our MongoDB databases.

b.What is Mongomapper?
Mongomapper is a Ruby rapper library.The main purpose of this is to aid application built under ruby platform to get connected and use MongoDB.

c.What is the relation between MongoDB and MySql.

Here MySql is a RDBMS a (Relational Database Management System) where all the data is storead in the tables as well as all the relationship between those data are also stored in form of tables.

Where as In MongoDB data are stored as documents.Now these records ,arrays and other objects can all be sotred insid a single record or document, which makes it much easier to find data.We don't have deal with joins and other very complex issues that exits in typical relational databases.

MongoDb(2010).Retrived on May 26 ,2010 from

MongoHQ(2010).Retrieved on May 26,2010 from

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