Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exercise 12: Modelling with UML or MVC?

Examine the Use Case in Figure 4 and explain the MVC architecture of the online bookstore (the model the view and controllers) needed to Lookup Books and Add to Shopping Cart.

Model :
Lookup Books
Add to shopping Cart
View :
Book Search Page
Display Search Result Page
Display Book Detail Page
Display Shopping Cart List Page
Controller :
Book Search Controller
Shopping Cart Controller

The user enters the book ID or Name in the Book Search Page. The Book Search Controller searches for the book of provided ID or Name and displays the matched results in display result Page. It displays the book details if user chooses any displayed books. Book detail page consist of link to add the book to the shopping cart. If the user clicks the link, then the shopping cart controller receives action to add the selected book to the shopping cart list. User can go to display shopping cart list page to see what list of items has been added to the shopping cart including the price of respective item and total costs as well.

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