Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exercise 15: M-commerce :Innovation and Mobile devices

1.What is meant by a location based service? Explain using the Web applications found on a late model mobile device.

Location Based Services are the services providing informations and entertainment within mobile devices via mobile network.These utilize the grographical positioning ability of these mobile devices.One of the example would be requesting the nearest business or service, such as an ATM or restaurant using this service.This will first locate the position of the device and then replies will various alternatives.
The location is determined by the radio signals delay of the closest cell-phone tower.The other method is integrating a GPS chip inside the device.Since GPS doesn't work quite good indoors,
other methods like NLSB(Near location based service) which make the use of wi-fi , bluethoot and infrared to match the devices with the nearby services.

The Google map service integrated in Apple's iPhone is one of LBS which provides directions to be followed to reach a certain location with ease.

2. Describe the purpose of the Open Mobile Alliance Initiative?

The Open Mobile Alliance Initiative (OMA) is a ruling body which develops open standards for the mobile phone industry.The basic idea of formulating common standards is to develop the entire mobile industry by removing barriers to interoperability, provide seamless and easy to use mobile experience to it's users and create a market environment that encourages competition through innovation and differentiation.

3.What are the main components of a mobile Web services framework?

The European Space Agency (2008) states that the components of a mobile web services framework are:

Mobile Server
The Mobile Server is a mobile remote computer, linked to the Internet via an Inmarsat Regional Broadband Global Area Network (RBGAN) User Terminal (UT).

The Gatekeeper is placed on the terrestrial Internet, and acts as the sole gateway to the Mobile Server.

RBGAN UT / Thuraya Satellite / RBGAN SAS
The physical connection between the remote web server and the Gatekeeper is established using a Satellite Access Station, a Telecommunications Satellite and a satellite modem.

GPS / Data Acquisition system / Web cam
The Mobile Server is connected to a set of peripherals, such as a GPS device, a web cam and/or a Data Acquisition system.

Application server / Client PC
The Gatekeeper handles requests from clients over the Internet.

4. Visit an airline Web site and search for information on WAP or SMS or 3G mobile application access to booking airline services. The same services exist in banking. How do both industries compare?
This is a mobile application service provide by Virgin Blue airlines of Australia.It has the features where a user can book tickets.manager their booking,find Virgin Blue lounges,etc.
Users can also select seats for few destinations.It has also recently integrated electronic boarding pass which contains a bar-code.Flyers can check - in via this bar-code not requiring and paper boarding pass.
This is a mobile service provided by Commonwealth Bank of Australia.The user can log on to their netbank account and manage it.It also has features like ATM locator and Branch locator.

Both applications are very simple and easy to use but have very less functionality compared with that of the web.The other feature they have is of strong security as both deals with finance and personal identity.

Location-Based Sevice.Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retreived on May 24, 2010 from

Open Mobile AllianceWikipedia. 2010.Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retreived on May 24, 2010 from

Mobile Web Services Framework (2008).European Space Agency 2008, ESA Telecommunication.Retrieved on May 24,2010 from

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