Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sinatra Appication Development

The following discussion describes steps followed to successfully deployment of Sinatra application in Heroku in windows xp.

After the installation of Ruby and GIT, w
e moved forward to deploy Sinatra application.

Step 1:

"git clone git://github.com/garethr/sinatra-hellow-world.git" was executed and as a result we were able to clone git repository of sinatra-hello-world form github.

Step 2:
"ruby app.rb" was exectued and we were able to run this app.rb locally.

Step 3:

Now it was time to show off our running Sinatra application.So we created an heroku account.The we defined our public key to access this account.

.ssh folder was add to the our desktop. This means now we have access to our heroku account through
Ruby + GIT.

Step 4:
Now we created an application in our heroku account.


Step 5:
It was time to push our Sinatra-Hello-world application (from GIT repo),


We were able to push our Sinatra application in heroku and display it to the world.
Step 5:
We modified the our application to display the current time of the server and once again pushed it to heroku.(git repository was re initialized, added and then modification into the application file was committed at first) .


Our modification was finally deployed and was running smoothly.

Check http://warm-sunset-72.heroku.com

finally done with deployment of sinatra application. Very happy!!!!

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