Thursday, April 8, 2010

Exercise : 8 XML Introduction

Create an XML document for an online catalogue of cars where each car has the child elements of make, model, year, colour, engine, number_of_doors, transmission_type and accessories. The engine has child elements called number_of_cylinders and fuel_system.

The XML document is built as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>

<catalogue >
<make></make >
<model ></model >
<year ></year >
<colour ></colour>
<engine >
<number_of_cylinders ></number_of_cylinders >
<fuel_system > </fuel_system >
</engine >
<number_of_doors ></number_of_doors >
<transmission_type > </transmission_type >
<accessories ></accessories >
</catalogue >

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