Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Exercise 1:Analysis of the online communities' paradigm

What is meant by an online community and how is it important for e-commerce?

Online community are those kind of websites where a group of people interact with each other and share information. They can share various kind of information like their thoughts, photos, videos etc. They can make discuss about various topics or can form groups or select friends according to the type of websites they are using. Various example can be taken like Facebook has been really famous these days. Here people can join the network and make friends.

Share their videos,photos and thoughts. Only the authorized person can comment on those information.Youtube is another website where people can share videos and make comment on those and view the posted videos by other. One of the type of online community that is being very popular these days is various kinds of blogs. The authors of the blog post something they want that might be anything and there are followers who view it and make comments on those posts.

Since huge number of people are involved in online community it has been a great use for e-commerce. People can advertise their product and built a good customer base. They can also provided information of their product and reviews and other facilities so they can benefit from these online communities.

Is there a common thread and a local community sense in action?
Yes there has been lot of buzz around facebook making groups and sharing their views on a common topic.Facebook has a provision where people can create a certain group or network.People can join these groups and become a member.Now, the members can get updated with the recent news content and share their views.
There is another provision of create pages.Pages can be created by various individual or companies.Other people can join thesepages and get updated.Facebook calls it "become a fan".
These sort of features have made facebook a common ground for people to share their ideas as a community or thread.

Why has it been a successful site? How does the purchase of a book work?
Yes, Amazon.com has been a really very successful site.It has amazing line of products and a very secure transaction.It aslo has features like users reviews where users can post a review about any products help potential buyers to know about the users experience.It has a very good and effective Content search.It has also provision for 3rd party seller who can refer the products of amazone.com and get commission for it.This is beneficial for both parties.
The other best feature of amazon.com is it handles all the payments and payments security,so user don't need to bother about it.

Now talking about the purchase of book online its a very simple task.Once you have chosen a book you can click on buy now botton.Now, if you are not a registered member , you will be asked to open an amazon account where details about you ,your mailing address and methods of payment will be stored.Now your are ready to buy any book with a click of a button once you log into your amazon account.

Are there any secure transaction not involving money?
Yes there is.There is a feature where you can buy gift cards and send them to anyone one.Entering the claim code one the gift card, the amount will be transferred to that very gift card and can be used to buy almost anything at amazon.com.

What happens with new models emerging such as price comparison sites?

With introduction to new models like price comparison sites would benefit the users.User can make choices and instant an can find the items of their choice and buy it.This thing will make these site popular.


Amazon.com. Wikipedia. 2010. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.Retrieved on April 9, 2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon.com

Facebook features.Wikipedia. 2010. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved on April 9 ,2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook_features#cite_note-21

Gift Cards Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=help_search_1-1?ie=UTF8&nodeId=200217030&qid=1270808519&sr=1-1



Sinatra Appication Development

The following discussion describes steps followed to successfully deployment of Sinatra application in Heroku in windows xp.

After the installation of Ruby and GIT, w
e moved forward to deploy Sinatra application.

Step 1:

"git clone git://github.com/garethr/sinatra-hellow-world.git" was executed and as a result we were able to clone git repository of sinatra-hello-world form github.

Step 2:
"ruby app.rb" was exectued and we were able to run this app.rb locally.

Step 3:

Now it was time to show off our running Sinatra application.So we created an heroku account.The we defined our public key to access this account.

.ssh folder was add to the our desktop. This means now we have access to our heroku account through
Ruby + GIT.

Step 4:
Now we created an application in our heroku account.


Step 5:
It was time to push our Sinatra-Hello-world application (from GIT repo),


We were able to push our Sinatra application in heroku and display it to the world.
Step 5:
We modified the our application to display the current time of the server and once again pushed it to heroku.(git repository was re initialized, added and then modification into the application file was committed at first) .


Our modification was finally deployed and was running smoothly.

Check http://warm-sunset-72.heroku.com

finally done with deployment of sinatra application. Very happy!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sinatra Application Development & Questions

What is Git? Why is it useful?
Git is a free and open source, distributed version control system. It has been designed in such a way that it handles small to large projects in efficient and fast fashion. In a simple ways we can say that Git is a source control management tool. It maintains the files (source code) and their respective version during progressive development. The main focus is to back up flies but in an effective way. Every file in the system contains full history of the changes. Now designers and developers can go through it and can see all the changes that have been made.They even can easily restore the file to a certain version from the history.These backup files are called repository.
Git are very useful as developers can have a copy of the repository with all the history (branching),work around and again push back the edited repository(merging).This is called distributed development and very helpful for non-linear development.It has been designed in such a way that it can handle very large projects with ease.It features cryptographic authentication of history as well.Various number of useful toolkit are available focusing on human usages as well as efficient and new clever operations.
Hence, Git is very useful.

Describe how Sinatra relates to Ruby on Rails.
Sinatra and ROR are both framework based on Ruby Programming Language.

What is Heroku? What is a Heroku “Dyno”? Describe how Heroku makes deployment and scaling of Ruby web applications easy.

Heroku is an instant ruby platform where we can simply deploy and run ruby application using Git.
Heroku "Dyno" are single process which run our ruby on the Heroku server. Heroku Dyno are based on THIN.THIN are ruby we servers which is composed of 3 best Ruby libraries in web history.

  • The Mongrel parser, the root of Mongrel speed and security
  • Event Machine, a network I/O library with extremely high scalability, performance and stability
  • Rack, a minimal interface between webservers and Ruby frameworks
Heroku Platform Architecture consists of the following 3 features:
Multi-Tenant: This means a single instance of application on the server serves various or multiple number of clients. We don’t need our own server as well.
Fully managed: There is a huge number of different servers within Heroku which are fully managed by Heroku themselves giving as a clean and easy interface to deploy our code.
Curation: Each layers of Heroku architecture is maintained and updated hence providing us a better and latest platform.
These features make heroku
makes deployment and scaling of Ruby web applications easy.

Inspect the Hello World application “app.rb” file. Answer these questions:
What is the purpose of the “/param/:name” method?
Basically /param/:name is an url address .
Like http://warm-sunset-72.heroku.com/param/abhishek
here :name = abhishek
so :name is a parameter that we pass through url.

What happens when the user navigates to the /home page?

Wen the user navigates to /home
the browser redirects the page to the index or main page of the application, which is
in the application we have deployed in heroku.

What is the purpose of the :set directive?

set is used to store a piece of information which can be used in our routes.


About Git.Retrieved on April 13 from http://git-scm.com/about
Heroku.Retrieved on April 13 from http://heroku.com/how/architecture

Sinatra book. Retrieved on April 13 from http://sinatra-book.gittr.com/
Version Control.Retrieved on April 13 from http://hoth.entp.com/output/git_for_designers.html

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hi everyone.Me, Abhishek Das and my partner Mr.Neeraj Tamrakar are currently studying at Charles Sturt Univesity and are the contributors for this blog.This blog has be created for the purpose of posting our assignments and other materials regarding the subject E-System Infrastructure Development (ITC594).
We have tried our best to extract our findings regarding the topic covered and have summarized them in a very simple manner.

This blog will cover :
Exercise 1- 16 from study guide.
Sinatra Application Development.
2 Elevator pitch (1st for progress report on Assignment 1 and 2nd as an final evaluration regarding assignment 2).

Hope you will find this blog interesting and useful.